As Medical Experts, physicians integrate all of the IMG Roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes in their provision of patient centered care.
- » Pre-op assessment
- » Optimization
- » Intraoperative management
- » Pain management and recovery
- » Describe the principles of a preoperative assessment including an airway examination and apply this knowledge in a clinical setting.
- » Discuss the principles of intravenous therapy and perform intravenous access on a patient using a sterile technique.
- » Formulate a differential diagnosis of hypoxemia and describe the delivery of oxygen in the health care setting.
- » Describe a basic general anesthetic technique and commonly used pharmacologic agents including their mechanism of action.
- » Discuss the basic principles of airway management in the unconscious patient.
- » Perform bag, mask ventilation and intubation of the trachea in a simulated environment and clinical setting.
- » Formulate an approach for the management of acute pain and describe basic analgesic options including the World Health Organization Pain Ladder
1. Communicator :
Physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter
- » Establish rapport, trust and a therapeutic relationship with patients and families
- » Listen effectively
- » Elicit relevant information and perspectives of patients, families, and the health care team
- » Convey relevant information and explanations to patients, families and the health care team
- » Convey effective oral and written information about a medical encounter
- » Maintain clear, accurate, appropriate, and timely records of clinical encounters/ operative procedures
- » Address challenging communication issues effectively
- » Addressing anger, confusion and misunderstanding using a patient centric approach
2. Collaborator :
Physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care. Demonstrate a team approach to health care
- » Recognize and respect the diversity of roles, responsibilities, and competences of other health professionals in the management of the surgical patient
- » Work with others to assess, plan, provide, and integrate care of the surgical patient
3. Leader :
Physicians engage with others to contribute to a vision of a high-quality health care system and take responsibility for the delivery of excellent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, or teachers.
- » Employ information technology appropriately for patient care
- » Allocate finite health care resources appropriately
4. Health Advocate :
Physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and wellbeing of individual patients, communities and populations
- » Concern for the best interest of patients
- » Identify health needs of individual patients, and advocate fo rthe patient, where appropriate
- » Promote and participate in patient safety, including the Surgical Safety checklist
5. Scholar :
Physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as the creation, dissemination, application and translation of medical knowledge
- » Demonstrate the ability for continuing self-learning
- » Discuss the principles of general/medical physiology and the application of basic sciences to anesthesiology
6. Professional :
As Professionals, physicians are committed to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behaviour
- » Exhibit professional behaviors in practice, including honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect and altruism
- » Demonstrate a commitment to delivering the highest quality care
- » Recognize and respond appropriately to ethical issues encountered in practice
- » Recognize and respect patient confidentiality, privacy and autonomy
- » Manage conflicts of interest and maintain appropriate relations with patients
- » Demonstrate awareness of industry influence on medical training and practice
- » Recognition of personal and clinical limitations
Faculty Profile:
Faculty list updated as on 31-7-2024
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Complete list of Research Publications by Department of Anesthesiology can be viewed here.