
SSMC offers separate boarding & lodging facilities for men and women. The facilities are customized to suit every need and budget. The Hostels have 24 hrs. Wi-Fi connectivity.

Hostel accomodation

Chief Warden (Boys and Girls): Dr. Nandini. T +91 93799 16232
Hostel Warden (Boys): Dr. Prashanth Kumar +91 99452 91910
Hostel Warden (Girls): Dr. Ashwini .M +91 93537 48599
Hostel Manager: Harsha T G +91 9980180049 ( Boys and Girls Hostel)



Girls Hostel Supervisors


  1. Ms. Anupama MR +91 8861998059

  2. Mrs. Shwetha +91 8088283037

  3. Ms.Sowmya +91 87469 45033


( Clerk )
+91 97432 74454

( Hostel & Central Kitchen Incharge )
+91 9110879345


Girls Hostel

Boys Hostel

1. Padmapani : 106 Rooms (3/2 students in each room)

2. Abhidhamma : 32 Rooms (2 students in each room)

3. Rajagruha : 32 Rooms (3/2 students in each room)

4. NRI/Taragruha : 76 Rooms (2 students in each room)

1. Jeevaka : 98 Rooms (2 students in each room)

2. Vajrapani : 114 Rooms(3/2 students in each room)

3. Shravasti :32 Rooms (3/2 students in each room)



Allotment of Accommodation

Hostel accommodation is allotted at the discretion of the Chief Warden on a “First Come First Served” basis. The allotment is done on condition that the student agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel.

The Chief Warden can refuse hostel facilities without assigning any reason /remove a resident from the hostel at any time on disciplinary grounds, in which case, the student may even be required to vacate the room at short notice.

Students may also be required to shift to alternate accommodation at short notice due to administrative reasons.

No booking / reservation will be entertained on telephone/ E - mail.

Hostel Rules

Allotment of Hostel Rooms:
Hostel accommodation is allotted purely at the discretion of the Chief Warden and on condition that the student agrees to abide by all the rules andregulations of the hostel. The Chief Warden may refuse hostel facilities without assigning any reason or remove a resident from the hostel at any time on disciplinary grounds. Students may be required on disciplinary grounds to vacate their rooms at short notice. Similarly students may be required to shift to alternate accommodation at short notice due toadministrative reasons. The hostel management reserves the right to break open any room which is not vacated, pack up the contents and store it. Nocomplaints of breakage or loss will be entertained.

It is mandatory for all first year students to stay in the hostels and bea member of the mess in the hostel. In exceptional cases permission may be granted by the Principal / Director to stay out before joining the hostel.

Students must occupy rooms specifically allotted to them. They are not allowed to change rooms except with the written permission of theDeputy Warden / Chief Warden. However, students can pair up as per their choice within first few days. They may contact their hostel Warden for this purpose.

Allotment made to a student is subject to cancellation if he/she fails tooccupy the room in the prescribed time. Students will also forfeit theirrooms if they fail to clear all their dues to the hostel by the appointed day. In such cases they will be asked to vacate the hostel.

The Chief Warden reserves the right to break open rooms in case ofany violation of hostel rules, suspected unlawful activities or on the basis of security risk perceived.

The rooms allotted to the students at thetime of admission are for alimited period of up to one year or less. Residents are required to shift to other blocks / rooms as and when informed by hostel authorities. This shifting may be necessitated due to administrative reasons and students are required to cooperate. Residents must occupy rooms specifically allotted to them. Residents shall not change over to anyother room except with the written permission of the Warden. Allotment of room made to any student is subject to cancellation if he/she fails to occupy it in the stipulated time or is found absent from the room without prior information or any valid reason. Residents will also forfeit their allotment if they fail to clear all their dues to t he hostel by the schedule date.

Residents who wish to vacate the hostel must meet the supervisor for necessary formalities / advice. Permission of the student’s parents and HOIs along with written documentation is mandatory.

Students are requested to avoid singing aloud, playing of loud music, shouting or making any noise which are likely to distract the attention of those who may be studying in their rooms.

Pets of all kinds are prohibited inside the hostel. Feeding stray dogs orcats in the hostel premises is not permitted.

Any damage / breakage of hostel property will be charged to the occupants of the room / block with a fine. Disciplinary action will alsobe initiated.

Cooking in hostel rooms is not permitted.

All instructions / notices displayed on notice boards will be deemed to have been read by all residents and excuses for non -compliance of such instructions and notices will not be accepted. Residents are advised to look at the notice board everyday to acquaint themselves with latest information / orders.

Substance abuse, consumption of alcohol and smoking is strictlyprohibited in the hostels and in the Academy Campus/s. No one should partying in the rooms, in the corridors or anywhere in the hostel premises whatever be the occasion.

Fire Hazards and Safety: Candles and incense are a fire hazard and are not permitted in the hostels. Combustible materials such as gasoline, paint thinner and oil lamps are not permitted in the hostels. Burning / bursting of crackers, carrying of crackers to the rooms and lighting of lamps/candles are strictly banned in and around the hostel premises throughout the year. Residents must switch off all lights and fans and electrical appliances including mosquito repelling machines ifany before leaving their rooms. This is necessary to avoid an inadvertent fire.

In case of fire: Residents must raise an alarm and call the hostel supervisor or security. They should also alert the hostel security.

Anything which interferes with students studies must be avoided atall times. Silence hours will be observed from 8.00 PM to 8.00 AM on all days. No noise of any sort will be permitted. Serious action will be taken on the breach of this rule. Residents must not go to others rooms and disturb the inmates. Complaints from other residents will be investigated and action will be taken accordingly.

The Chief Warden / Deputy Warden or their representative may enter any room for verification at any time of the day or night.

The management reserves the right to break open the rooms in case of violations of hostel rules, suspected unlawful activities and security risk cases or where the student is absent from his / her room for a long period without prior information or any valid reason. This will, however, be carried out by the security person in the presence of the hostel Warden, Supervisor and one more person at the discretion of the Chief Warden / Deputy Warden. On such occasion, the items in theroom will be listed by these officials and kept in the store room. A verbal report, followed by a written report will be sent to the higherauthorities.

All the residents of the hostel are to sign between 8.00 PM to 9.00 PMin the register provided by the hostel office. In case of failure to do so, the list of students shall be sent to the Principal’s Office and the parents shall be informed of the same.

All residents are advised to extent their fullest cooperation to see that no unauthorized persons enter or stay in the hostel premises. If they happen to find any such person, they should demand the permit / Identity Card and if it is not forthcoming, the matter should be brought to the notice of the Warden for further action.

Ragging is strictly prohibited inside the hostels. Any such incident should be brought to the notice of the wardens. The contact numbers of the members in the anti-ragging committee will be displayed and provided to all the students and may be contacted at any time.

All hostel inmates must report any disciplinary matter or problemsconcerning them or their room-mates / neighbor(s) coming to their notice to the Deputy Warden / Chief Warden through supervisor or directly.

No Televisions are permitted to keep in the hostel rooms by the students. Students have to watch TV in the common TV room provided in the hostels.

The residents are forbidden to keep any heavy cash/valuables in the room. The resident is responsible for the safety of his/her items insidethe rooms. Giving the room keys to any person in good faith is at theirown risk. The management will not take any responsibility for any loss of such costly articles/money. They may deposit all sum of money not immediately required by them for their expenses in th e local Banks. The residents must lock the rooms and their lockers with their ownlocks.

Security of ATM/Debit cards/wallet: All residents must take care of their ATM/Debit Cards/wallet. They must not disclose their PIN to anybody – even to their best friends

Curfew and Out of Bound Areas

The hostel timing will be strictly adhered to :

The hostel gates will be closed by 8.30 PM on weekdays and 9.00 PM on Saturdays. The gates will open only at 5.30 AM

Avoid going to the library in the firs t 3 months. Move around the campus in groups.

Students who wish to go to any place such as railway station and airports etc., to catch late night trains or flights must takeprior permission at leaset one day in advance from the Warden / Chief Warden. The students are to leave the hostel by 5.PM andreach the railway station or airport by night fall and wait in the lounges to catch trains or board flights. It is unsafe to travel in the deserted roads at night.

Residents returning late to their hostels will be fined. The HOI’s and parents of such residents will be informed. Repeated offenders will have to face the disciplinary committee and may even have to vacatethe hostel in extreme cases.


All the visitors including parents / guardians must be entertained onlyin the visitors lounge and during visiting hours only. No outsiders are allowed to stay in the hostel. The entry of all males is strictly forbidden inside ladies hostels.Likewise ladies are not permitted to enter the gents’ hostels

Vehicle and Parking

Residents are not permitted to have any type of motor vehicles. Management does not take responsibility of the vehicles. Parking of two wheelers in the hostel corridors and under porticos is strictly prohibited.

Damage of Hostel Property

Any damage to hostel property will be made good by the residents who are responsible for such damage. This includes driving in of nails,defacing of walls, damage to fixtures and furniture. Fine will also be levied in addition to disciplinary action.

Maintenance of Rooms

The rooms have been distempered and painted as per schedule and will be maintained regularly by the management as per the maintenance schedule. Residents are not permitted to re -paint or doany alteration of any nature without the written permission of ChiefWarden.

All maintenance complaints will be attended to by hostel office. Complaint(s) must be entered in the register(s) available with supervisor in their hostels. The com plaints will be attended to expeditiously and are monitored by the Wardens/ Chief Warden. Residents are not permitted to employ any outsiders for any such job without permission of Chief Warden.

Residents must bring to the notice of the supervisor any failures/breakdown in the electric supply. They should not themselves attempt to repair the defects in the mains or in the distribution system. The service of an electrician is available round the clock forattending to any defect in the electric system or fittings. When leavingthe room, the occupants must take care to see that the fan and lights are switched off. Every effort must be made to economize the use of electricity. A warning may be put up on the door to remind the residents before they leave the room.

The rooms and surroundings must be kept clean. The service of the cleaners must be obtained to ensure that the rooms are swept and cleaned while the residents are in the room. Residents are responsiblefor the cleanliness of their rooms. They should see that the rooms are properly swept every day. All waste paper and refuse must be placed inreceptacle provided for that purpose. Keep the toilets clean. It is the duty of residents to maintain cleanliness in the bathroom a nd toilets.

Any private unauthorized electric appliances like T.V., Refrigerator, Water Heater etc., found in any of the rooms without permission will be confiscated and disciplinary action initiated.

Water is an essential but scarce commodity. Al l residents are requested to use water judiciously and preserve it. Leakage, etc. in the bathrooms should be immediately reported through Supervisors.

Complaints and Representations

Complaints if any, applications shall be made in writing address to the Deputy Warden / Chief Warden and handed over to the hostel supervisor. Complaints will be resolved expeditiously by the Wardens/ Supervisors themselves. Advice and assistance of the Chief Warden will be taken when needed. For investigation of any of the complaints the Warden may call the concerned resident or hostel employees to his/her office.

Residents of the hostels are not permitted to convene meeting of anysort in the Hostel premises without the prior permission of the Deputy Warden / Chief Warden. Disobedience of this rule will be severely dealtwith.

The Supervisor, Deputy Warden and Chief Warden are available round-the-clock on telephone and may be contacted in case of any emergency. Their telephone numbers are displayed at various placesin all the Hostels.


If a resident falls sick, he/she or room -mate /friend must immediately inform the supervisors/person on duty who will make arrangements toshift/evacuate the student to the hospital and look after him/her. All cases of sickness must be immediately reported to the Medical Officer,at the Out-Patent/emergency for necessary treatment. In case a resident is quite unable to leave the room and go to the hospital, the matter must be reported to the Deputy Warden. Information regarding any resident falling sick or getting admitted in the hospital must be relayed to the hostel/college authorities on priority.

Absence from Hostel

When a resident of hostel wishes to leave the hostel/st ation on vacation / holidays or otherwise the following action will be ensured.

No student should stay away from his/her room during the night except with prior written permission of the Deputy Warden. Any student, who wishes to leave the campus tempor arily or otherwise, should obtain the permission of Deputy Warden in writing. Those applying for permission must state the date and time of his/her intended departure and return as well as the destination and enter all these details in the in-out register maintained in every hostel. Residents will make necessary entry in the In -Out Register availablein every hostel. It is mandatory in all such absences to record departure/return date and time and place to which they are going withthe postal address and mobile number. Disciplinary action/penal fines will be levied on defaulters.

Mess Rules

Students should sign the Mess Joining Register kept in the messes at the time of their joining the mess.

Students should sign the Mess Leaving Register kept in the mess whenever they leave the mess. Otherwise they will be deemed to bepresent and charged accordingly.

Students are not permitted to dine in the mess without signing the Joining Register or after signing the Leaving Register.

Lunch/Dinner will b e served on buffet basis.

The quantity of food will be unlimited except in the case of special items.

Mess rebate is admissible to the residents of Hostels on the following grounds:

  • Approved Study Holidays and Semester Vacation declare d by the Academy.
  • Periods duly recommended by the Head of the Department and availed by the students for purposes such as participation in sports, competitions, seminars, educational tours, etc.
  • Period of absence due to serious illness requiring hospitalization, subject to the production of medical certificate, in genuine cases.
  • Any other valid reason with prior permission of Chief Supdt.,

Application for mess rebate should be made in the prescribed form and it should be submitted three days in advance . The application shouldbe forwarded by the Deputy Warden / Chief Warden. An acknowledgement may be obtained from the Mess Supervisor for having applied for mess rebate.

In addition, students applying for mess rebate should also sign the Mess Leaving Register kept in the messes at the time of their leaving the mess.

Minimum fixed charges will be applicable to the students applying for mess rebate. Such permission should be obtained from the Deputy warden and the Mess Supervisor be intimated well in advance of the absence.

Students proceeding on medical Leave from the campus should produce the Medical Certificate issued by the concerned specialist at the time of their leaving.

In case of sudden illness, information on leaving the mess should be made available to the Hostel Office immediately and the application for mess rebate should be submitted within the next 3 days.

No student can claim mess rebate unless he/ she had intimated his / her absence in advance by applying for mess rebate in the prescribed form and signed the Mess Leaving Register at the time of his/ her leaving the mess.

At the time of joining the mess after availing mess rebate, the students should sign the Joining Register kept in the mess.

Students other than the Mess Committee Members are not permitted to enter the kitchen or store room of the mess on any account.

Students are not permitted to cook any food on their own accord in the mess or in their rooms.

Students on no account whatsoever will be permitted to take food outside the mess unless arranged by appropriate authority. Nor can they take mess utensils such as plate, spoon, tumblers, etc, to theirrooms.

No food will be served in the rooms of the hostel for any student unless a permission from the assistant warden to the effect that the students’ condition requires the food to be served in their rooms.

No diner shall waste food. Paying mess bill does not entitle a diner to waste food.

Assist in maintaining the mess and surroundings neat and clean. No notices shall be pasted on walls. Notices put up on the notice boards should not be removed by the diners. A separate bill board would be available for the residents to stick their bills.

All diners shall interact with the mess staff in the dining hall in a courteous manner.

After eating food, diners shall leave the cup, plate, waste food etc. in the designated bins.

If any diner is medically ill and requires a special diet (eg. Oil -less food) he / she can request the assistant warden/mess supervisor to arrange for the same at the mess.

The guest rates for the hostel mess will be decided by the Mess subcommittee and are subject to revision from time to time.


Ragging in any form is banned inside and outside the campus. Strict action will be taken against those indulging in ragging. Suspension and or withdrawal from the hostel/college are one of the actions taken immediately. Punishment for ragging under the Karnataka education Act of 1983 can be up to one year imprisonment. Supreme Court has alsodefined ragging as a criminal offence.


Anti-Ragging Squad Contact Numbers :





1 Dr SANIKOP M.B Principal- Chairman 8971172337
2 Dr .PRABHAKAR.G.N Vice Principal 9845311362
3 Dr. MANJUNATH. G.N Vice Principal 9880183458
4 Dr.PRASHANTH KUMAR Medical Superintendent 99452 91910
5 Dr. LAKSHMI PRABHA S Prof.&HOD of Anatomy 9920769595
6 Dr DEEPALI.A Prof.&HOD ofPhysiology 9880961884
7 Dr C.R SHIVA KUMAR Prof.&HOD ofBiochemistry 7019877940
8 Dr C.R. KODANDA SWAMY Prof.&HOD ofPathology 9845551351
9 Dr CHANDRASHEKAR Prof.of Microbiology 8762232101
10 Dr. VEENA Prof .of 9844134579
11 Dr GIRISH Prof .of OBG 9663827715
12 Dr M.T. SATHYANARAYANA Prof.&HOD of Psychiatry 9880487387
13 Dr SRINIVAS ARAVA Prof of surgery 9448033067
14 Dr NANDINI.T Prof of Phamacology 9379916232
15 Mr.SHASHIDHAR PED 9844091273
16 Dr. Jyothi swaroop Prof.&HOD of E.N.T 9844190463
17 PGs- Dr. Samarth P.G. (general surgery) 8495850401
18 Dr.GAYATHRI P.G. (OBG) 8078936787
19 AARDA. A RAVI 18SM1001 (Interns) 9497736041
20 ANKITHTAKOOR 18SM1003(Interns) 9131215887
21 Dr. Prashanth T Warden Boys Hostel 99452 91910
22 Dr.NANDINI T Warden girls Hostel 93799 16232
23 S.I of Police Town Police Station, Tumkur 9480802945
24 Mrs. KAVYA.N SSMC Office Staff 9110839326
25 CHANDRU EYEQ Security supervisor 7349279899
26 EDIGARA RAJESH Student 8722029829
27 NAGASHREE.K Student 9845613832
28 DHEERAJ.R.NAIK Student 9945035353

The focus goes beyond education.

SSMC aims to prepare students for life - ingraining in them the psyche of the eternal student - empowering them to be leaders in their own right.