Message from the Principal

Sree Siddhartha Medical College

Dr. M B Sanikop,

MBBS, MS (Anatomy)

Recently there have been major changes in the field of medical education, since the National Medical Commission (NMC) has come into force in suppression of Medical Council of India (MCI). The key features have been Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) and Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) model. NMC has also come up with a mandate of conducting a compulsory common National Exit Test (EXIT) for all MBBS graduates, which will not only the essential eligibility to practice medicine in India, but also for admission into various PG (MS/MD) courses.

In view of the above, we at SSMC have conducted various programs to train our teaching Faculty to ensure high quality teaching-learning methods and adopt latest medical technology. To facilitate and ensure this, we are in the process of modernizing our “Skill Laboratory”. We are also committed to ensure high quality ethical standard in all aspects of medical services.

We look forward to welcoming all of you to undertake an exciting journey of learning about health and diseases through interesting and innovative methods of teaching.

The focus goes beyond education.

SSMC aims to prepare students for life - ingraining in them the psyche of the eternal student - empowering them to be leaders in their own right.