
An Alumni Association of Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur was started with a view that it would provide a meaningful platform for future interaction among all our former students settled in many countries with different positions. The main aim of the association is to strengthen the bond between alumni and the college, which includes developing an active network of alumni.

The Alumni Committee of the College will organize alumni meet every year at the college campus on “Third Saturday of July. The Alumni Committee is highly motivated to develop a strong, healthy association between the alumni, teachers, and current students. In the future, the Alumni Committee is hoping to have the former students be an integral part of the college activities such as placements, seminars/ workshops, guest lectures, and career guidance for the current students in college. The meet also creates a platform to identify the college’s most distinguished alumni. Those alumni who are not able to come, share their experiences via videos.


The focus goes beyond education.

SSMC aims to prepare students for life - ingraining in them the psyche of the eternal student - empowering them to be leaders in their own right.