Code of Conduct for Students
The character of individuals is shaped during their student days. In medical education it has special relevance and importance. Doctors are expected to conduct themselves as respected members of society.
The code of conduct for the students of Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur contain in it the non-academic rights and responsibilities to provide appropriate guidance and standard of behaviour to be followed by the students during the period of study. Breach of the code invites disciplinary actions. The code provides the basis for investigating cases of alleged and unacceptable conduct.
The code is based on seven general principles; regularity, punctuality, work habits, respect for the self and others, respect to authority, respect for the property, freedom from fear.
I. RESPECTThe students are required to:
- Express themselves without the use of profane language or offensive gestures.
- Participate in positive group activities and not be involved in any swarming, intimidating or harassing of staff or students.
- Show respect for others by not participating in teasing and ridiculing, by not - wearing clothing with inappropriate messages (i.e., profane language, racial or sexual references and references to alcohol / illegal drugs).
- Respect the personal property of others.
For the purpose of determining identity of a person as a student, he /she must produce evidence by showing the identification card with a picture issued by the competent authority. Refusal by a student to produce identification as required shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Provocative clothing is not allowed to be worn in the college campus or during college activities.
Clothing that is judged by the college administration to be disruptive to the orderly functioning of the college and hospital, either by virtue of the design or in the manner, in which it is worn, is also forbidden.
Students are advised to dress such that:
- Midriff area (front and back) must not be visible at any time.
- Undergarments and Cleavage must not be visible at any time.
- Transparent attire is prohibited.
- T-Shirts, tight fitting jeans, chappals, shorts, and torn trousers touching the floor are not permitted.
- Headwear is not permitted (Exceptions may be granted based on religious and medical reasons with proper verification).
- It is a must for all the students, interns and postgraduate students to wear a white apron with ID card during working hours, both in the college and the hospital premises
- Students are expected to wear decent footwear, preferably shoes while attending classes, practical, wards, outpatient departments and other sections of college and hospital.
All students must attend any event organized by the college/hospital authorities. Student who significantly in disrupting the event by intentionally engaging in conduct that renders it difficult or impossible to continue such a function in an orderly manner shall be liable for disciplinary action.
Students shall be free to express their views or support causes by orderly means that do not disrupt the regular and essential operations of the college or hospital.
A. Right to AssemblyStudents shall have the right of "assembly" upon college facilities that are generally available to the public. Such assembly shall:
- Be conducted in an orderly manner.
- Not unreasonably interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- Not unreasonably interfere with classes, schedules, meetings or ceremonies and
- Not unreasonably interfere with the regular activities of the college.
- Sound amplifying equipment shall not be used without permission of the administration.
Any recognized student organization, after written notification to the Principal/ Dean, may invite a speaker to the college, subject to any restraints imposed by the college authorities. The Principal/Dean may approve or disapprove; this is solely dependent on Principal/ Dean discretionary powers.
C. Distribution of MaterialHandbills, leaflets, newspapers and similar materials may be distributed upon college facilities/cultural events/sports events/others with prior approval by the Principal/ Dean. Distribution, by means of accosting individuals or unreasonably disruptive behaviour is prohibited.
- Students must show their Identity Card or Library Card on request to any member of the Library staff when within the Library.
- No Library book can be taken out of a Library building except a book the loan of which is permitted and which has been recorded by the Library staff as being on loan to the student.
- Mutilation or defacement of any book or article of Library property is regarded as a major offence.
- Students should not use ink bottles or correction fluid in the Library.
- Any marking or highlighting or underlining the contents of any book/journal is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action.
- Silence must be observed in all parts of the Library. The use, in a manner causing noise or disturbance, of electrical equipment such as computers, mobile phones, personal stereos, or radios is prohibited. Users of computers in the Library are reminded that they must also comply with the college's IT and network code of conduct and other regulations which are currently in force.
- Smoking and the consumption of food and drink are forbidden in all parts of the Library open to readers, and no items of food or drink may be left on desks or in reading rooms.
- Students are not permitted to reserve seats by leaving their belongings or books on seats and desks. The Library staff may move any property left at unoccupied desks or seats for more than 15 minutes except for officially reserved seats.
- Students are themselves held responsible for their belongings.
- Activities like group discussions are strictly prohibited in the reading rooms
- The Disciplinary committee under the Chairmanship of Principal/Dean with respect to library operates a system of penalties, with the inputs from the librarian for breaches of the Library regulations.
- Students are required to return all books to the Library within the stipulated time.
A student has the right to fair and equal treatment in all areas of academics.
A student has the right to a fair evaluation of his/her academic work.
A student has the right to appeal any academic disciplinary action to the disciplinary committee.
The student who, for the purpose of fulfilling or partially fulfilling any assignment or task mandated by the faculty as part of the curriculum, if found to resolve to plagiarism or cheating, shall face disciplinary action.
Any student who knowingly aids or abets the accomplishment of cheating (for example copying in any examination), shall also be subject to disciplinary action.
The students should be present in the class before the commencement of the teaching-learning activity. Any student who significantly disrupts any college class and makes it unreasonably difficult to conduct the class in an orderly manner shall be subjected to disciplinary action. It is mandatory for all the students to be present inside the lecture hall/demonstration room/ practical laboratory at the scheduled time. Writing on the benches, chairs, tables is strictly forbidden. Students engaging in these activities are liable for disciplinary action.
The students should be present before the class starts. Any student whose behaviour leads to disruption of practical and damage of laboratory property and is not as per rules and ethical values set for dealing the cadavers shall be subject to discipline.
The students should attend their postings on time. Students should behave decently with the patients. They must be kind and sympathetic towards patient's problems. They should be treated with respect and dignity. Students should not occupy patient's beds or keep any of their belongings on them. Misbehaviour with patients or patient's attendants or indulging in any illegal/ unethical practices with them is liable for disciplinary action.
In the instance of any event that the Principal/Dean deems to be disruptive of order, or deems to impede the movement of persons or vehicles, or deems to disrupt or threaten to disrupt the ingress or egress of persons from college facilities, the Principal/Dean can prohibit the entry of any person, or withdraw from any person permission to enter onto or remain upon any portion of a college facility.
Smoking in the college campus is strictly prohibited. Violations of this act shall because for disciplinary action.
Any student who, while in any college facility or participating in a college related program, uses, possesses, consumes, is demonstrably under the influence of, or sells any liquor, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student who, while in any college facility or participating in a college related program, uses, possesses, consumes, and is demonstrably under the influence of, or sells any narcotic drug or controlled substance, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student who, while in any college/hospital facility or participating in a college related program, commits theft or possesses stolen property, or commits robbery, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student who causes or attempts to cause damage to property of Sri Siddhartha Medical college, Tumkur shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student, who, while in any college facility or participating in a college related program, uses or has on his/her personal firearms or explosive materials, shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
Ragging constitutes one or more of the following acts :
Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness to fellow or any student of the Academy.
Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any other student;
Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such a student;
Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any student;
Exploiting the services of a student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students;
Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a student by other students;
Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person;
any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to any other student ;
Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any other student.
The Anti-Ragging Committee, as constituted by the Principal/Dean .It shall examine all complaints of ragging and come out with recommendation based on the nature of the incident. The committee shall be headed by the Principal/ Dean as the Chairman, anti-ragging committee, the warden/Men’s hostel as the Member secretary and can have as its members, the Medical superintendent, Vice- Principal, Warden women’s hostel, Deputy wardens, Sub-inspector of Police- New town Police station, Tumkur and class representatives of every batch.
As per the directions of Hon’ble Supreme court of India, the university grants commission order No F.1-15/2009 (Ragging) dated 17th May,2008, guildness framed by MCI notification No. MCI-34(1)2009-Med/25453, Section33 of Indian Medical Council Act1956 & Government of Karnataka order (Karnataka Education Act 1983, Karnataka Act No.1.1995,Sec116 Sec2(29),Sec137) the anti ragging squad is formed to ensure ragging free campus .
The duty roster shall be formed and it is the responsibility of a squad to be around the campus on the days assigned. Squad is expected to meet at 4.00PM everyday in the Warden’ Men’s and women’s hostel office and will chart out the functioning of the members that day wich will start from 4:00PM to 9:00AM. Wardens and Deputy wardens will co-ordinate with flying squad everyday. The flying squad duty by the teaching staff members is made mandatory.
A student found guilty by the committee will attract one or more of the following punishments, as imposed by the Anti-Ragging Committee:
Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits.
Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
Withholding results.
Debarring from undertaking any collaborative work or attending national or international conferences/symposia/meeting to present his/her research work.
Suspension/ expulsion from the hostels and mess.
Cancellation of admission.
Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.
In cases where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the institute shall resort to collective punishment.
If need be, in view of the intensity of the act of ragging committed, a First Information Report (FIR) shall be filed by the Institute with the local police authorities.
The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall take appropriate decision, including imposition of punishment, depending on the facts and circumstances of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging.
An Appeal against the any of the orders of punishment enumerated hereinabove shall lie to:
In case of an order of an institution, affiliated to or constituent part, of the Institute, to the Dean of the Institute.
Any student who, while in any college or participating in a college related program, knowingly engages in unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, where such behaviour offends the recipient, causes discomfort or humiliation, or interferes with job or academic performance, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student, who, while in any college facility or participating in a college related program, engages in forgery, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student who, without authorization, intentionally gains access to a computer system or electronic data of another student, a faculty member, library, department, hospital or any other section of Institute shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student engages in either with camera or mobile, where such act offends the person or persons shall be subject to discipline. Posting of information or photograph of any student of Sri Siddhartha Medical College, tumkur other than student himself on web is strictly prohibited and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Any student who, while in any college facility or participating in a college related program, commits any other act which is a crime under Indian law shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Mobile Phones may not be used in the library, Information System Service Public Access Computer Rooms, Lecture Theatres, Laboratories, operation theatres, outpatient departments, wards or other public teaching/patient care and research areas.
It is an offence to deposit litter in any location within the college perimeter other than designated litter bins.
Boarding students are to obtain written permission and signature of the warden / principal/Deans for the exit and entry of the college campus.
If there is a case against a student for a possible breach of code of conduct, then a committee will be constituted to recommend a suitable disciplinary action and shall inquire into the alleged violation and accordingly suggest the action to be taken against the said student. The committee may meet with the student to ascertain the misconduct and suggest one or more of the following disciplinary actions based on the nature of misconduct.
WARNING- Indicating that the action of the said delinquent student was in violation of the Code and any further acts of misconduct shall result in severe disciplinary action.
RESTRICTIONS -Reprimanding and restricting access to various facilities on the campus for a specified period of time.
MONETARY PENALTY- May also include forfeiture of scholarship/fellowship for a specific time period.
SUSPENSION- A student may be suspended for a specified period of time which will entail prohibition on participating in student related activities, classes, programs etc. Additionally, the student will be forbidden to use various Institute facilities unless permission is obtained from the Competent Authority. Suspension may also follow by possible dismissal, along with the following additional penalties.
Ineligibility to reapply for admission to the Institute for a period of three years, and
Withholding the grade card or certificate for the courses studied or work carried out.
EXPULSION - Repeated misconduct along with failure to comply with any conditions imposed may lead to expulsion of a student from the Institute permanently. Indicating prohibition from entering the Institute premises or participating in any student related activities or campus residences etc.
If the delinquent student is aggrieved by the imposition of any of the aforementioned penalties, he/she may appeal to Principal. Principal may decide on one of the following:
accept the recommendation of the committee and impose the punishment as suggested by the Committee or modify and impose any of the punishments a as stipulated in this Code which is commensurate with the gravity of the proved misconduct, Or
Refer the case back to the committee for reconsideration.
In any case the Principal decision is final and binding in all the cases where there is a possible misconduct by a student.
The purpose of the disciplinary committee is to provide a student with an opportunity to be heard by an independent body with regard to non-academic discipline. Separate disciplinary committee for Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Allied Health Sciences and Basic science. The disciplinary board shall include selected members of the college council, and the members from administration. The members from administration shall be selected by Principal/Dean as follows:
one person from college administration
another person appointed by the Principal/Dean. Principal/Dean will be the Chairperson of this committee.