1. To produce doctors who are well aware of the physical, social, psychological, economic and environmental aspects of health and disease.
2. To enable the student to apply the clinical skills to recognize and manage common health problems including their physical, emotional and social aspects at the individual, family and community levels and deal with public health emergencies.
3. To make the students realize the role of doctor as a team leader.
To achieve this he/she will be able to:
1. Organize elementary epidemiological studies to assess the health problems in the area,
2. Prioritize the most important problems and help formulate a plan of action to manage them under National Health Programme guidelines including population control and family welfare program. (He/she should be able to asses and allocate resources, implement and evaluate the programmes).
3. Demonstrate knowledge of principles of organizing, prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
4. Organize health care service for special groups like mothers, infants, under five children and school children, handicapped, adolescents and geriatric persons, rural, tribal and urban slum dwellers.
5. Organize health care in case of calamities.
6. Inculcate values like compassion, empathy, honesty, sincerity and integrity to ensure high quality ethical professional practice.
7. Work as an effective leader of the health team with in the primary health care set-up.
8. Coordinate with and supervise other members of the health team and maintain liaison with various agencies.
9. Plan and implement health education programmes.
10. Perform administrative function of health centers.
11. Promote community participation especially in areas of disease control, health education and implementation of national health programmes.
12. Aware of national priorities and the goal to be achieved to implement primary health care including health for all.
13. Understand different types of biomedical waste, their potential risks and their management
Skills: :
Communication: :
A. Student should be able to communicate effectively with family members at home, patients at clinic or at home.
B. Student should be able to communicate effectively with an individual, family or a group for health education and peers at scientific forums .
Team activity:
Work as a member of the health team, in planning and carrying out field work like school health.
Communicable and non communicable disease
A. Eliciting clinico-social history, examining the patients for diagnosis and treatment
B. Assessing the severity of conditions like dehydration, upper respiratory tract infection, dog bite, leprosy etc.
C. Adequate and appropriate treatment and follow up of all communicable and non communicable diseases
D. Advise on the prevention and prophylaxis of all diseases
Maternal and Child health:
1. Antenatal examination of the mother , application of risk approach in the ANC
2. PNC of mother ,new born care , advice on family planning method, promotion of breast feeding ,advice on weaning and immunization
3. Assessment of growth and development of child
4. Vaccine management including cold chain
1. Simple random technique
2. Apply appropriate tests of significance to make correct inference
3. Sample analysis and presentation of data
4. Calculation of various health indices
5. Calculation of relative and attributable risk
6. Calculation of sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of screening test
1. Conducting a diet survey
2. Community survey and clinical diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies of Public Health importance such as Vitamin A deficiency, iodine deficiency disorders and protein energy malnutrition
3. Making recommendation regarding diet
Occupation Health
1. Inspection of work site
2. Recommendations in improving work site
3. Supervision of workers and programmes
Health Management
1. Be an effective team leader
2. Guide and train the health workers
3. Supervision of health workers and programmes
1. To organize antenatal and under-fives clinic
2. To conduct meeting
3. Review of records
4. Principles of supervision
Ethics, Attitude and communication
The department of Community Medicine is entrusted to undertake sessions for students with regard to Ethics, Attitude and Communication. They are as follows:-
1. To train students to become clinician who understand and provides preventive, promotive, curative, palliative and holistic care with compassion.. Demonstrate knowledge of national and regional health care policies including the National Health Mission (NHM), frameworks, economics and systems that influence health promotion, healthcare delivery, disease prevention, effectiveness, responsiveness, quality and patient safety. Demonstrate ability to prescribe and safely administer appropriate therapies including nutritional interventions, pharmacotherapy and interventions based on the principles of rational drug therapy, scientific validity, evidence and cost that conform to established national and regional health programs and policies for the following: disease prevention, health promotion and cure, pain and distress alleviation and rehabilitation and palliation. Also demonstrate the ability to provide a continuum of care at the primary and /or secondary level that addresses chronicity, mental and physical disability.
2. To train students become leader and member of health care team who would recognize and function effectively, responsibly and appropriately as a health care team leader in primary and secondary health care settings. Also participate appropriately and effectively in measures that will advance quality of health care and patient safety within the health care system. Concurrently recognize and advocate health promotion, disease prevention and health care quality improvement through prevention and early recognition in life style diseases and cancer in collaboration with other members of the health care team.
3. As a communicator with patients and families and colleagues and community, they demonstrate ability to communicate adequately, sensitively, effectively and respectfully with patients in a language that the patient understands and in a manner that will improve patient satisfaction and healthcare outcomes. Demonstrate ability to establish professional relationships with patients and families that are positive, understanding, humane, ethical, empathetic and trustworthy. Also have the ability to communicate with patients in a manner respectful of patient’s preferences, values, prior experience, beliefs, confidentiality and privacy. Demonstrate ability to communicate with patients, colleagues and families in a manner that encourages participation and shared decision-making.
4. Demonstrate ability to perform an objective self-assessment of knowledge and skills, continue learning, refine existing skills and acquire new skills. Demonstrate ability to introspect and utilize experience, to enhance personal and professional growth and learning and being committed to continuous improvement of skills and knowledge.
5. Practice selflessness, integrity, responsibility, accountability and respect. Respect and maintain professional boundaries between patients, colleagues and society. Demonstrate ability to recognize and manage ethical and professional conflicts. Abiding by prescribed ethical and legal codes of conduct and practice. Demonstrate a commitment to the growth of the medical profession as a whole.
Faculty Profile:
Faculty list updated as on 31-7-2024
Click here to view faculty list
Complete list of Research Publications by Department of Community-Medicine can be viewed here.
Dr.Cheluve Gowda .G.Ks |
01 |
Cheluve Gowda GK, Savitha Rani BB, Krishna Iyengar, Venkatesh P, Vinay KS Assessment of Adherence to Anti-hypertensive Treatment among Patients Attending a Urban Health Care Facility of a Medical College, Tumkur. Int J Med. Public Health. 2019; 9(2):42-45. |
02 |
Cheluve Gowda G.K., Savitha Rani B.B., Krishna Iyengar, Venkatesh P. Home Remedies and Health Care Seeking Behavior among Care Takers of Under-5 Children in Rural Field Practice area of a Medical College: Focus Group Discussion. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, February 2020; 11(2):500-504 |
03 |
Savitha Rani B.B., Cheluvegowda, Vinay K.S., Monisha, Nikhil Dev, Krishna Iyengar. Assessment of Health Status and QOL of the Women Working in Garment Factory in Tumkur: A Cross-sectional Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, May 2020; 11(5):469-73. |
04 |
Sanath Kumar, Sharath, Tanu Anand, Karuna D Sagili, CheluveGowda. Threefold increase in the number of drug resistant TB cases after introduction of Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing: Experiences from two South India Districts, JTR: 8(2): 9-11 |
Dr.Savitha Rani B |
01 |
Savitha Rani B.B1, Vinay K.S2, Krishna Iyengar3 Assessment of Depression and Drug Adherence among Type II Diabetes Patients Residing in Urban Field Practice area of Sri Siddhartha Medical College Tumkur. International Journal of Preventive, Curative & Community Medicine Volume 4, Issue 4 - 2018, Pg. No. 1-6. |
02 |
Savitha Rani B. B.*, Ashok N. C., Praveen Kulkarni, Renuka M. Does glycaemic status influence quality of life of type II diabetes patients: an exploratory study in Mysuru, Karnataka, India. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jan;4(1):10-14 |
03 |
Meghana Narendran, Savitha Rani B B, Praveen Kulkarni, Renuka M, Narayana Murthy M R.Interdependence of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases among Elderly Population in Declared Slum in Mysuru City, Karnataka Indian Journal of Public HealthResearch & Development, October 2018, Vol. 9, No. 10. |
04 |
Cheluve Gowda GK, Savitha Rani BB*, Krishna Iyengar, Venkatesh P, Vinay KS Assessment of Adherence to Anti-hypertensive Treatment among Patients Attending a Urban Health Care Facility of a Medical College, Tumkur. Int J Med. Public Health. 2019; 9(2):42-45. |
05 |
Savitha Rani B. B., Praveen Kulkarni, Ashok N. C, Renuka M., Vinay K. S. Does health seeking behaviour influences on quality of life of type II diabetes patients, an untouched area in diabetes, study done in JSS Hospital, Mysore. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2019 May;6(5):2004-2009. |
06 |
Savitha Rani BB, Praveen kulkarni, Ashok NC, Renuka M, Naryanmurthy MR. Assessment of Health Seeking Behaviour of Type II Diabetes Patients Attending Tertiary care Centre at Mysuru: A Concern and Call for Action Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine.Volume 6 Number 2, July - December 2018. |
07 |
Savitha Rani B.B., Aishwarya, Shefali, Krishna Iyengar,A study of assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of menstrual hygiene among high school girls in tumkur.RJHAMS,March2020:1(1):10-13. |
08 |
Cheluve Gowda G.K., Savitha Rani B.B., Krishna Iyengar, Venkatesh P. Home Remedies and Health Care Seeking Behavior among Care Takers of Under-5 Children in Rural Field Practice area of a Medical College: Focus Group Discussion.Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, February 2020; 11(2):500-504. |
09 |
Savitha Rani B.B., Cheluvegowda, Vinay K.S., Monisha, Nikhil Dev, Krishna Iyengar. Assessment of Health Status and QOL of the Womens Working in Garment Factory in Tumkur: A Cross-sectional Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, May 2020; 11(5):469-73. |
10 |
B. B. Savitha Rani, S. G. Anusha, S. Anusha1, Pranaya1, K. S. Vinay.A study of impact on mental health status among health-care professionals at tertiary care centre during coronavirus disease-19 pandemic: An exploratory study, Annals of Community Health,dec2020;8(4):50-53. |
11 |
Savitha Rani B. B., Praveen Kulkarni, Sunil Kumar D., Renuka M., Ashok N. C. Sleep apnea risk, cognitive and functional impairment: hidden trio’s among elderly: an exploratory study in Mysore, Karnataka, India. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2016 Nov;3(11):3261-3265. |
12 |
Savitharani BB, Madhu B, Renuka M, Sridevi, Ashok NC. Utilization of WHO-ISH 10-year CVD risk prediction chart as a screening tool among supporting staff of a tertiary care hospital, Mysuru, India. Heart India 2016;4:13-6. |
13 |
Vidya G S,Savitha rani B B,Renuka ,When to ring Bell, Perception of Cancer in Mysuru rural area.Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine,vol 4,issue1 ,10-16. |
14 |
Shivakumar T, Ramu TG, Rani SBB. Comparative study between RIPASA and modified alvarado scoring system in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(05):279-283, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2021/62. |
15 |
Praveen Kulkarni, B. B. Savitha Rani, D. Sunil Kumar, Renuka Manjunath.Burgeoning menopausal symptoms: An urgent public health concern.midlife, July 04, 2016, IP: |
16 |
Gowda V, Rani S, Chandrakala, Aishwarya, Suhasini. Depression, anxiety, stress among ASHA workers, in selected primary health centres in Southern Bengaluru. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:5856-9. |
17 |
Rani B S, Gopinath S, Gowda C, Kumar S, Nair GC, Iyengar K. A study to assess impact of COVID-19 on trends of TB prevalence in Tumkur district. J Community Health Manag 2022;9(1):36-40. |
18 |
Rani B.B S, Vidhya G S, Vinay K S, Vanya M, Gopinath S. A study on performance evaluation, roles and challenges faced by the DOTS providers in treatment adherence of TB patients in Tumkur city an untouched area. J Community Health Manag 2022;9(1):21-25. |
19 |
Rani B B S, Nair GC, Vinay K S, Sudheer K N, Gopinath S. A study to compare the disease severity between vaccinated and unvaccinated COVID 19 patients in Tumkur city. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2022;9(2):54-58. |
Dr. Ramya K S |
01 |
Ramya K S, Shashikala M. Common mental disorders and their correlates among married women in an urban locality in Bengaluru. Ann Community Health 2021;9(3):1-5 |
02 |
Sathyanarayana RK, Manjunatha S. Common mental disorders among women of reproductive age group in an urban area in Bengaluru. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6(4): 1768- 73. |
03 |
Ramya K S, Shashikala M. A study on factors associated with utilization of healthcare services for common childhood illnesses among mothers of under-five children in the urban field practice area of RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru. Int. J. Preven. Curat. Comm. Med. 2015; 1(4): 26-30. |
04 |
Sandeep H, Shashikala M, Ramya K. S. Morbidity Profile of Construction Workers aged above 14 Years in Selected Areas of Bangalore Urban District. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; 4(49): 8552-8560. |
05 |
Manjunatha S, Ramya KS. Reproductive Health and Child Health Profile in the Field Practice Area of RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru: A Descriptive Study. J Med Sci 2015; 3(2). |
Dr. Viquar Ahmed |
01 |
Mir Viquar Ahmed, Gururaj N. A, Abhay S. Nirgude, Md. ShoeebAkram.Prevalence and Patterns of Alcohol Intake among Industrial Workers in Mangalore: an Appraisal by the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test(Audit). Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; 4(66) August:11446-52 |
02 |
Waseem Anjum, Mir Viquar Ahmed, Gagan S., Sumalatha N.Profile of donors’ blood wastage in Bagalkot blood bank: a record based case series study. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul;4(7):2581-2586 |
03 |
Viquar Ahmed Mir1 , MD Shoeeb Akram2.A study on depression and functional impairment among university students in Mangalore, Karnataka. Int. J. Med. Sci. Public Health 2018; 7(1): 38-42 |
04 |
Dr. Arifuddin M K ,2 Dr.Mir Viquar Ahmed. A Study of Effect of a Physical Stressor on Arterial Blood Pressure Among Healthy Offspring with Parental History of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and their counterparts, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2020;7(2) |
05 |
Dr. Arifuddin MK , 2 Dr.Mir Viquar Ahmed. A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions of 1st year MBBS Students about Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Vaccination, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2020;7(1) |
06 |
MK Arifuddin, Ahmed MV. Study on eating habits among 1st year MBBS Students in a south Indian medical college. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2021;9(2): 126-128. |
07 |
MK Arifuddin, Ahmed MV. A Study about the perception of 1ST MBBS students on traditional and technology based teaching Methods. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2021;9(3):186-188. |
Dr.Varsha R Mokhasi |
01 |
Mokhasi V R, Mahesh V, Manjunath Tl, Muninarayana C, Latha K, Ravishankar S, A comparative cross sectional study of knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in rural and urban schools of Rural Karnataka. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(3):163-167 |
02 |
Venkatesha M, Latha K, Mokhasi VR, Muninarayana C, Ravishankar S, Lakshmi L. Prevalence and risk for fall among elderly in urban area of Southern Karnataka. National journal of community medicine. 2016; 7(09):768-71 |
03 |
Mokhasi VR, Muninarayana C, KN S. A study of prevalence of goiter among school children in Kolar.International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health November 2019;6(12) |
04 |
Raghavendra BL, Mokhasi VR. Can Spot Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio be an alternative for the 24 Hour Urine Protein to estimate proteinuria in Chronic Kidney Disease? A comparative observational study. J Clin Biomed Sci. 2020; 10(1):26-30 |
05 |
Prasanna KBT, Mokhasi VR. Iodine deficiency disorders in a South Indian district: still a public health problem? Int J Community Med Public Health 2020; 7:4333-8 |
06 |
Rameesh.S,Naresh. S.J,Mokhasi V.R,self medication of analgesics among rural population of Kolar.European Journal of Public Health.2021;23 |
07 |
Mokhasi V R.Fore-warned is fore armed : effect of musculoskeletal disorders on sickness absenteeism,A Prospective study.Cureus 2022;14(8) |
Dr.Bharath Nag |
01 |
Amudha K, Thulasingam M, Thomas B, Nag B, Rajarethinam K, Ramakrishnan J. How does school based hand-washing promotion program affect the handwashing behavior of students at the urban slums in Puducherry, South India? Mixed method design.Int J Med Sci Public Heal. 2018 Nov; 7(11):874–9.. |
02 |
Majella MG, Chinnakali P, Naik BN, Thekkur P, Nag B, Ramaswamy G. How much do persons with diabetes in a rural area of South India know about diabetes management? A step toward person-centered care. J Fam Med Prim Care; 6(3):605–9. |
03 |
Krishnamoorthy Y, Sarveswaran G, Jayaseelan V, Sakthivel M, Arivarasan Y, Bharathnag N. Assessment of Quality of Life Based on Psychological, Somatovegetative, and Urogenital Health Problems among Postmenopausal Women in Urban Puducherry, South India: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study. J Midlife Health. 2018; 9(4):173–9. |
04 |
Nagappa B, Thekkur P, Majella MG, Nair D, Ramaswamy G, Chinnakali P. Failure to achieve goal blood pressure and its associated factors among hypertensive patients registered in a primary health centre in South India. J Fam Med Prim Care. 2018;7(1):81–6. |
05 |
ArchanaRamalingam, Pasupuleti SSR, Nagappa B, Sarin SK. Health and economic burden due to alcohol associated liver diseases in the Union Territory of Delhi: a Markov probabilistic model approach. Indian J Gastroenterol. |
06 |
Pandjatcharam J, Chinnakali P, Mohan V, Bharathnag N, Periasamy K, Soman SK, et al. EP-1681: Loss of follow-up in cancer care for the management of cervix cancer patients. RadiotherOncol [Internet]. 2018 Apr; 127:S902–3. |
07 |
Sakthivel M, Krishnamoorthy Y, Sarveswaran G, Jayalakshmy R, Priyan S, Bharathnag N. Screening for red flag symptoms of cancer: A community-based cross-sectional study from urban Puducherry, India. J Educ Health Promot. 2018; 7:174. |
08 |
Ramalingam A, Nagappa B, Gupta E, Dubey S, Sarin SK. THU-418-Community-based screening for significant liver fibrosis among apparently asymptomatic adults inDelhi.J Hepatol. 2019 Apr;70(1):e340–1. |
09 |
Marimuthu Y, Nagappa B. Opportunistic Screening for Substance Abuse in Primary Health Care Setting in India: An Operational Research. Int J Heal Sci Res. 2019; 9(8):35–42. |
10 |
Patil S, Nishant N, T N, Nag B, BC P. To compare the effect of Bromfenac 0.09% and Prednisolone 1% on postoperative inflammation and intraocular pressure in phacoemulsification. Indian J ClinExpOphthalmol . 2019 Sep 28; 5(3):363–6. |
11 |
Marimuthu Y, Sarkar S, Kattimani S, Krishnamoorthy Y, Nagappa B. Role of Social Support and Spouse Abuse in Low Birth Weight: A Case-control Study from Puducherry, India. Indian J community Med. 2019; 44(1):12–6.12. |
12 |
RaoPasupuleti SS, Ramalingam A, Nagappa B, Sarin SK. Health and economic burden due to alcohol related liver diseases in New Delhi, India: a Markov probabilistic modelling approach. J Hepatol. 2020 Aug; 73:S826. |
13 |
Sharma P, Basu S, Marimuthu Y, Nagappa B. Undernutrition using the mid upper arm circumference among pregnant women and its predictors in Delhi, India: a facility-based study. J DattaMegheInst Med Sci Univ. |
14 |
Bhattacharyya D, Raizada N, Nagappa B, Tomar A, Maurya P, Chaudhary A, et al. Chemoprophylaxis of COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine: A study of health care workers attitude, adherence to regime and side effects. medRxiv . |
15 | Marimuthu Y, Nagappa B, Sharma N, Basu S, Chopra KK. COVID-19 and tuberculosis: A mathematical model based forecasting in Delhi, India. Indian J Tuberc . 2020 May; 67(2):177–81. |
16 | Nagappa B, R J, Sujiv A, Marimuthu Y. Opportunistic Screening for Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Male Patients Seeking Care From an Urban Primary Health Center. MAMC J Med Sci. 2019;5(3):150–1. |
17 | Nagappa B, Marimuthu Y. Seroconversion Rate and Diagnostic Accuracy of Serological Tests for Coronavirus 2019. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Dec 31; 7(11):3016. |
18 | Marimuthu Y, Singh MM, Garg S, Nagappa B, Engtipi K. COVID 19-relatedInfodemic and its effects during COVID-19 outbreak among Medical Students inNorth India. Int J Biomed Public Heal 2020; 3(3). |
19 | Marimuthu Y, Sarkar S, Sakthivel M, K. Y, N. B, Sarveswaran G. Association ofsocial factors with low birth weight: a narrative review. Int J Community Med PublicHeal.;5(8):3171. |
20 | Marimuthu Y, Lal P, Gangadharan N, Nagappa B, Hossain S. Trends of Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors among Adolescents and Young Adults of a Government Medical College in India. MAMC J Med Sci. 2020; 6(3):216–22. |
21 | Nagappa B, Marimuthu Y, Sarveswaran G, Sakthivel M, Krishnamoorthy Y, Rehman T. Willingness to quit alcohol use and its associated factors among male out patients attending Urban Primary health centres in Delhi. J Educ Health Promot. |
22 | Nagappa B, Tanveer R, Marimuthu Y, Priyan S, Sarveswaran G, S GK. Prevalence of Food Insecurity at Household Level and its Associated Factors in Rural Puducherry: A Cross Sectional Study. Indian J Community Med. 2020 Sep 1; 45(3):303–6. |
23 | Sharma P, Marimuthu Y, Basu S, Sharma N, Mala YM, Nagappa B. Intensified case finding for screening tuberculosis among antenatal women in Delhi, India; A facility-based prospective observational study. ClinEpidemiol Glob Heal. 2021 Oct 1 |
24 | Nagappa B, Ramalingam A, Rastogi A, Dubey S, Thomas SS, Gupta E, et al. Number needed to screen to prevent progression of liver fibrosis to cirrhosis at primary health centers: An experience from Delhi. J Fam Med Prim Care. 2021; 10:1412–8. |
25 | Marimuthu Y, Satyanarayana N, JM JK, Garg S, Nagappa B. Risk factors for in-hospital mortality among severe COVID-19 patients admitted in a Tertiary Care Center of Bangalore, India. Indian J PrevSoc Med. 2021 Sep 30; 52(3):161–8. |
Dr.Riyaz Kalburgi |
01 |
Nandini T, Swamy RM, Manjunath GN, Nagendrappa MB, Kalaburgi RA. Post-authorization safety of COVID-19 vaccine: A prospective and observational study among health-care workers in Tumakuru. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2022;12 (Online First). Doi: 10.5455/ njppp.2022.12.01009202223012022 |
02 |
Chaithra H, Ramesh S T, Riyaz Ahmad, A Comparative Study of Coagulation Profile and Haematological Parameters in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). Trop J Pathol Microbiol. 2021;7(3):150-155. |
03 |
Shashiraj et al; Dr. Shashiraj HK, Dr. Kavitha BS, Dr. Arifuddin MK, Riyaz Ahmad Kalburgi. A Cross Sectional Study of Physical Activity Profile among Undergraduate Medical Students. Sch Int J Anat Physiol, August, 2020; 3(8): 77-81 |
04 |
Dr.Venkatesh.P, Dr Hemanthkumar BG, Dr Rajesh S.S, Dr Cheluve Gouwda GK, Riyaz Ahmad H Kalaburgi “Assessment of Life Skills among Students in a High school in Tumkur” No8276/IJPHRD/2020 |
05 |
Hema KR, Girish BL, Dhananjaya BS, Kalaburgi RA. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in women with abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive age. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2020;9:2792-6 |
06 |
Narasimhaiah MG, James A, Kalaburgi RA. Eco-pharmacology: awareness and practice of drug disposal among medical students. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2020;9:1007-10 |
07 |
Sathisha TG, Bhargavi S K, Riyaz Ahmad Kalaburgi, Shashiraj H K, Kavitha BS, Arifuddin M K, “Study of Biochemical Profile of HbA1c, Vitamin D and AMH in Infertile Women of a Population of South India” Sch Int J Biochem, June., 2020; 3(6): 122-126 |
08 |
NarasimhaiahMG, MallikarjunaSR, Kalaburgi RA.Attitudes and barriers of medical students towards conducting research in a medical college. International Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 2020;9:966-70 |
09 |
Manjunath GN, Swamy R,M, Riyaj Ahmad Kalaburgi, Lavanya R, Kousalya R “Knowledge and Attitude towards Organ donation among the Medical and Engineering students in Tumakuru, Karnataka.” IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 19(5), 2020, pp. 31-36. |
Dr. Ashwini M |
01 |
Raja NS, Madeshan A, Kalaivani M. A Cross-Sectional Study of Menstrual Hygiene and Related Personal Hygiene Practices among Adolescent Girls in an Urban Community of Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2022;13(5):54-60. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33887/rjpbcs/2022.13.5.10 |
02 |
Raja NS, Sekar CJC, Madeshan A, Narasimha BC. An Epidemiological Study Of Road Traffic Accident Cases Attending A Tertiary Care Hospital, BG Nagara, Mandya District, Karnataka State, India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2022;13(5):79-89. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33887/rjpbcs/2022.13.5.14 |
03 |
Raja NS, Sekar CJC, Madeshan A. A Study Of Prevalence Of Domestic Accidents In An Urban Community Of Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2022;13(5):140-145. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33887/rjpbcs/2022.13.5.22 |
04 |
Narasimha BC, Kamath R, Udayar SE, Madeshan A. Field test and reporting of disaster waste mapping in flood-affected areas of Kodagu district. Muller J Med Sci Res. 2022;13:81-4. Doi: 10.4103/mjmsr.mjmsr_42_22 |
05 |
Narasimha BC, Udayar SE, Kruthika K, Ashwini M. Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding Covid-19 among college-degree students in southern district of India. Journal of Multidisciplinary Care. 2022;11(2):55-60. doi: 10.34172/jmdc.2022.64 |
06 |
Sinha S, Udayar ES, Narasimha BC, Madeshan A, Marella K. Perceptions and awareness of snakebite envenoming in hilly areas of Madikeri: A cross sectional study. MRIMS J Health Sci. 2023;0:1-6. Doi: 10.4103/mjhs.mjhs_149_22 |
07 |
Udayar SE, Chengalarayappa NB, Madeshan A, Shivanna M, Marella K. Clinico Epidemiological Study of Human Leptospirosis in Hilly Area of South India-A Population Based Case Control Study. Indian J Community Med. 2023 Mar-Apr;48(2):316-320. doi: 10.4103/ijcm.ijcm_316_22. Epub 2023 Feb 3. PMID: 37323738; PMCID: PMC10263044 |
08 |
Raja S, Chakravarthi D, Madeshan A, Dharmalingam G. Antenatal Care Services Utilization among the Antenatal and Postnatal Women in a Rural Area of South India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthline. 2023; 14 (3): 210-218 |
09 |
Madeshan A, Raja NS, Udayar SE, Narasimha BC. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Internet Gaming Disorder among Medical Students in Kodagu District: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Evidence. 2023. |
09 |
Narasimha, B. C.1; Udayar, Sharvanan Eshwar1; Raja, N. Sabari2; Madeshan, Ashwini1,*; Katoch, Jissun3. An Assessment of COVID-19 Infection after Vaccination Amongst Health-Care Workers at a Tertiary Care Centre, Kodagu, Karnataka. Journal of Medical Evidence 4(1):p 3-6, Jan–Apr 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/JME.JME_61_22. |