The broad goal of teaching the undergraduate medical students in the field of Radio-diagnosis should be aimed at making the students realize the basic need of various radio-diagnostic tools in medical practice. They should be aware of the techniques required to be undertaken in different situations for the diagnosis of various ailments as well as during prognostic estimations.
Knowledge: The student should be able to:
- »Understand basics of X-ray production, its uses and hazards
- »Appreciate and diagnose changes in bones - like fractures, infections, tumors and metabolic bone diseases.
- »Identify and diagnose various radiological changes in disease conditions of chest and mediastinum, skeletal system, G.I. Tract, Hepatobiliary system and G.U. system.
- » Learn about various imaging techniques, including isotopes C.T., Ultrasound, M.R.I. and D.S.A.
Skill: At the end of the course the student should be able to:
- Use basic protective techniques during various imaging procedures.
- Interpret common X-ray, radio-diagnostic techniques in various community situations.
- Advise appropriate diagnostic procedures in specialized circumstances to appropriate specialists.
The broad goal of teaching the undergraduate medical students in the field of Radiotherapy is to make the students understand the magnitude of the ever-increasing cancer problem in the country. The students must be made aware about steps required for the prevention and possible cure of this dreaded condition.
Knowledge: The students should be able to:
- Identify symptoms and signs of various cancers and their steps of investigations and management.
- Explain the effect of radiation therapy on human beings and the basic principles involved in it.
- Know about radio-active isotopes and their physical properties.
- Be aware of the advances made in radiotherapy in cancer management and have knowledge of various radio-therapeutic equipment while treating a patient.
Skill: At the completion of the training program, the student should be able to:
- Take a detailed clinical history of the case suspected of having a malignant disease.
- Assist various specialists in administration of anticancer drugs and in application and use of various radio therapeutic equipment, while treating a patient.
Faculty Profile:
Faculty list updated as on 31-7-2024
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Complete list of Research Publications by Department of Radio Diagnosis and Imaging can be viewed here.